Skinfood Egg White Pore Pore Mask 125 g

Skinfood Egg White Pore Pore Mask 125g
Help to prevent the formation of excess sebum, inside egg akında found in abundance in albumin agent through enlarged pores, shrink, help to relax and sıkılaşmasına is a special product. Albumin is often known as the egg whites. And albumin in nature is renowned as the high quality protein. This product also niacin (Vitamin B3), riboflavin (Vitamin B2), selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium containing a complete amino acid store. Egg whites, gözeneklerdeki sebumu and impurities deeply. Dead skin and black points deeply. Finally again egg whites through collagen by stimulating the growth of cells of the skin elasticity and fastness to help.