Move On Probiotics 10 Billion + Prebiotic 30 Capsules Expiry Date: 2024 12×30 PCs Probiotic 360 grain


Move On Probiotics 10 Billion+ Prebiotic

1 capsule 10 billion probiotics + prebiotic
1 capsule 10 different probiotics tour
1 in the box 30 capsules


Gastric acid dayanklı bağırsakta decoded Drcaps®Capsule
Probiotics microorganisms digestive system to regulate and immune system helps

Product Content
Total 10 billion CFU * probiotics microorganism
L. Acidophilus La-14
1 billion CFU *
L. Rhamnosus R0011
1 billion CFU *
L. Helveticus R0052
1 billion CFU *
L. Casei Lc-11
1 billion CFU *
L. Paracasei Lpc-37
1 billion CFU *
L. Plantarum Lp-115
1 billion CFU *
L. Salivarius Ls-33
1 billion CFU *
B. Lactis Bl-04
1 billion CFU *
B. Breve Br-03
1 billion CFU *
B. Longum BB536
1 billion CFU *
20 mg
* Kob: colony-forming units
Question and Answer
The majority of bağırsaklarda, including living in beneficial bacteria and fungi. Has positive effects on our health.

The means by which the beneficial effects of probiotics exhibit?
Probiotics, stimulating the nervous system, kana involved some molecules exhibit by releasing and malignant bacteria and mantarlarla fighting effect.

Probiotics bad mannered bacteria and mantarlarla how fights?
Probiotics, bad-tempered in the gut bacteria and fungi grab yerlerine clinging, their besinini by consuming and against them effective molecules by releasing savaşırlar.

Prebiotics, of nutrients. An increase in the number of probiotics and ill-mannered cause decrease in the number of bacteria and fungi. Prebiyotiklere fructo-oligosaccharides and inulin as sample can be given.

Intestinal Flora/mikrobiyotası?
Bağırsaklarımızda several pounds in weight, at least 500 kinds of germs experiences. Trillions of good and bad-tempered microbiota in our community formed by bacteria and fungus called (old name: intestinal Flora). Bowel mikrobiyotası birth occurs annually in the first few and a more except in certain circumstances. Fingerprint insana as special and unique. Even though it is not all microbiota of antibiotic, after a while the same microbe species at the same rate and number of intestines come back and settles down.
The number of microbiota human cell number yaklaşık 4-10 floor, microbiota gen count the number of human gene 10.000 times. So mikrobiyotanın protein synthesizing power from is superior. Microbiota this protein synthesizing power human body the effect resolution. These effects, mikrobiyotadaki vary depending on types of bacteria and fungi, can be good or bad.

Yoğurtta, sirkede, turşuda and kefirde probiotics do you have?
Sold on the shelves yogurt, vinegar, pickles and kefirde, probiotics whether, how much per gram of a If probiotics is and which kind of probiotics is not certain. This products, in product contents probiotics, even if on the shelf bekledikçe probiotics reduces the number of. Moreover this poduct probiotics stomach asidiyle, safrayla and pancreatic enzimleriyle when it meets the die and thick intestine ulaşıp çoğalamazlar. Ulaşıp çoğalamadıkları for impact gösteremezler. So of probiotics, gastric acid resistant and intestine which need to be taken with dehiscent capsule.

Capsule to more than one type of bacteria is it better?
Each type of their unique different display effects. So you can get the same types of different probiotics is better.

Vücudumdaki probiotics how the number of arttırabilirim?
Probiotics capsule use outside, oil, and it is poor, fiber and there are rich nourishment from the increase.

A day how probiotics alınmalı?
Million level probiotics insufficient critics, a day at least a billion probiotics should be taken.

Probiotics few days? How long the effect of last?
Probiotics grab yerlerine clinging to proliferate and this means in the gut effect exhibit. But this clinging and proliferation is temporary. Probiotic products, kullanılmayı being a few weeks with a few months from the body in completely thrown in. So the effects of probiotic products only used during exhibit.

Probiotics when, how, open is tok mu drink?
Probiotics, on the morning or evening, a cup water drink on a full stomach.
Probiotics everybody is the same effect?ProbioticsWhen the effect of shows?
Probiotics effect varies from person to person. Effect starting time and impact quality person genetiğine and intestinal bacteria çeşitliliğine depends on.
Your product how so affordable?
The Internet or in the pharmacy, food supplements to the end user until five THE; pharmaceutical Factory-brand owner-distributor-warehouseman-pharmacist/other seller. Brand owner as direct to the consumer. Intermediaries olmayınca price cheaper.
Your product Agricultural and Forest Ministry approved?
Our product is reinforcing the Ministry Of Agricultural and Forest food ruhsatlıdır.
Reinforcing food approval number:006839-20.12.2019

Probiotics pill capsule, tablet what does it do?
Helps to weaken probiotics?
For slimming which probiotics alınmalı?
ProbioticsGives a feeling of fullness?
Probiotics weight verdirir?
Probiotics around the waist will not cause?
Probiotics is used in the treatment of obesity?
Probiotics is used in the treatment of fatty liver?
Probiotics form and fit stay help?
Probiotics constipation treats?
Probiotics allergic diseases effective?
Probiotics gas and bulge treats?
Probiotics candida mantarına effective against?
Probiotics are Flora trims?
Probiotics irritable is used in the treatment of bowel syndrome?
Used in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori probiotics?
Probiotics against some forms of cancer effective?
Probiotics are healthy yaşama, long service life and anti-aging (ageing effect)?
Probiotics prevents the formation of cardiovascular diseases?
Probiotics depression and anxiety disorder (Anxiety) can be beneficial in the treatment of?
Probiotics degenerative diseases (Alzheimer, osteoarthritis, etc.) of the?
These questions because of regulations unable to respond butFrom the internetScientific articlesBy reading the answers can learn.